Move better, feel better, be better
Mes Fisioterapia
Welcome to MES Fisioterapia, a physiotherapy practice located in Les Corts, Barcelona. We are dedicated to being a leading clinic within the field of physiotherapy and sports physiotherapy. Our English speaking physiotherapists are highly skilled, and passionate about using the latest research and treatment techniques, to give you the best therapeutic outcome possible.

During the assessment all aspects of a complaint are examined. Therefore, we do not only treat symptom based, but instead focus on the underlying cause. Want to know more about our hands-on, cause-oriented treatment method?
Sport physiotherapy
MES Fisioterapia finds its origins in the world of sports, with professional football as its main focus. Throughout the years our method has proven successful. Our experience makes us highly competent on the field of sports physiotherapy, both at amateur and professional level.

An osteopath addresses complaints of the musculoskeletal system. However, an osteopath will look at your complaints from a slightly different angle than a physiotherapist would. During the examination an osteopath will also take the organ systems, nervous system and cranio-sacrial system into consideration.

Sport physiotherapy
MES Fisioterapia finds its origins in the world of sports, with professional football as its main focus. Throughout the years our method has proven successful. Our experience makes us highly competent on the field of sports physiotherapy, both on amateur and professional level

An osteopath addresses complaints of the musculoskeletal system. However, an osteopath will look at your complaints from a slightly different angle than a physiotherapist would. During the examination an osteopath will also take the organ systems, nervous system and cranio-sacrial system into consideration.

Moveo Ergo Sum
MES is short for Moveo Ergo Sum, I move therefore I am. Moving freely is what we, specialists in movement, strive for. Whenever movement is restricted due to physical complaints, our team of English speaking physiotherapists is here to help you recover.